
Video: Georgia Republican Introduces Pedophile-Friendly Bill, Would Allow Them in Playgrounds and Schools

This is not a joke.

A Republican Georgia state Rep who just started his first term less than two weeks ago has wasted no time in establishing himself as a certified, grade A idiot, starting with the very first bill he introduced in his hopefully short political career.

On the heels of the Hailey Owens kidnapping and murder in Missouri by a man found with child pornography in his home, a story that made international news, George freshman Rep Sam Moore wants to do the equivalent of waving packets of crack in front of a drug addict and make it legal for sex offenders to hang out anywhere they like. Including in places filled with children.

Moore is the lone wolf on HB 1033, which would overturn the crime of loitering and loosen restrictions on convicted sex offenders, allowing them to hang out around schools, parks, and playgrounds. Moore claims that the risk of sex offenders being repeat offenders is outweighed by the increase in their freedom.
