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Video – Duke’s Stanley Hauerwas: Pope Francis’ Election Signals Solidarity With the Poor

Stanley Hauerwas was my ethics teacher at Notre Dame. Never could remember my name. I was always "Mr. Kerpalinski" or something like that.

I remember him well. Brilliant.

I did my best to keep up in class.

From Duke University:

Stanley Hauerwas is the Gilbert T. Rowe Professor of Theological Ethics at Duke Divinity School and holds a joint appointment in the Duke Law School. 

In response to the election of Pope Francis, he says,"It’s remarkable that they’ve chosen a Jesuit. That’s even more remarkable than choosing a non-European.

"That he’s a Jesuit says so much about his commitment to the poor, and that he’s taken the name of Francis [in recollection of Saint Francis of Assisi] clearly gestures that the Roman Catholic Church not only serves the poor, the Roman Catholic Church is the church of the poor."

"My sense is that many of the agendas associated with American Catholicism will not exactly be his agendas."