Day: May 21, 2011

DPS 2011 Planetary Science Prize Winners Announced

DPS-(ENEWSPF)- The Division for Planetary Sciences (DPS) of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) is pleased to announce its 2011 prize winners: Gerard P. Kuiper Prize for outstanding contributions to the field of planetary science: William Ward, Southwest Research Institute. Many dynamical processes that are now cornerstones of current theories of[Read More…]

Dark Energy Is Real, Galaxy Survey Shows

Sydney, Australia-(ENEWSPF)- A survey of more than 200,000 galaxies made with the Anglo-Australian Telescope in eastern Australia has shown that “dark energy” is real and not a mistake in Einstein’s conception of gravity. The result is conveyed in two papers written by Dr. Chris Blake (Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne,[Read More…]

NASA Telescope Helps Confirm Nature of Dark Energy

New results from NASA’s Galaxy Evolution Explorer and the Anglo-Australian Telescope atop Siding Spring Mountain in Australia confirm that dark energy (represented by purple grid) is a smooth, uniform force that now dominates over the effects of gravity (green grid). The observations follow from careful measurements of the separations between[Read More…]

Cassini and Telescope See Violent Saturn Storm

Thermal infrared images of Saturn from the Very Large Telescope Imager and Spectrometer for the mid-Infrared (VISIR) instrument on the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope, on Cerro Paranal, Chile, appear at center and on the right. An amateur visible-light image from Trevor Barry, of Broken Hill, Australia, appears on[Read More…]

Radio Telescopes Capture Best-Ever Snapshot of Black Hole Jets

Left: The giant elliptical galaxy NGC 5128 is the radio source known as Centaurus A. Vast radio-emitting lobes (shown as orange in this optical/radio composite) extend nearly a million light-years from the galaxy. Credit: Capella Observatory (optical), with radio data from Ilana Feain, Tim Cornwell, and Ron Ekers (CSIRO/ATNF), R.[Read More…]