
Upworthy: Something Really Insane Just Happened In Congress, And You Probably Haven’t Heard A Word About It (Video)

From Upworthy:

SOURCES: The bill referenced in this video is called H.R. 992 — the Swaps Regulatory Improvement Act. You can find out how your representative voted on 992 here. You can find New York Times reports on how Citigroup literally wrote its own bill here and here. You can see how Wall Street dumps money into your member of Congress’ campaign coffers here and gape openly at the incredible amounts of money Wall Street spends on lobbying every year here. You can read more about House Financial Services Chairman Jeb Hensarling’s ski vacation with Wall Street (yes, that’s a thing that actually happened) here.

Congresswoman Robin Kelly (IL-2), Congressmen Daniel Lipinski (IL-3) and Mike Quigley (IL-5) voted "AYE" on this legislation. Congressmen Luis Gutierrez (IL-4) and Danny Davis (IL-7) voted "NO."